Showing posts sorted by relevance for query kittens. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query kittens. Sort by date Show all posts

Sunday, July 19, 2009

New PETA Crusade – Fish Are Sea Kittens | Sweetness & Light

New PETA Crusade – Fish Are Sea Kittens Sweetness & Light: "RADICAL international animal rights group PETA has launched its most bizarre campaign yet, demanding fish be renamed 'sea kittens'."

Friday, July 14, 2017

Adorable newborn photoshoot will make you want kittens over kids | New York Post

Adorable newborn photoshoot will make you want kittens over kids | New York Post
"Rosie The Kitten Photoshoot In A New Born StyleThese baby photos are pawsitively purr-fect.
A Canadian family photographer put an original spin on the old “newborn photoshoot” by subbing a tiny kitten into the standard scenes of snoozing babies curled up in fuzzy linens.
Shutterbug Jessica M Thomas treats her friend’s six-week-old pet, Rosie, just like she would an infant subject — swaddling her in soft blankets, encircling her little ears in flower headbands and giving every shot a different theme..."

Monday, March 28, 2011

PETA Wants To Remove Animal Discrimination From The Bible

Say Anything » PETA Wants To Remove Animal Discrimination From The Bible
"Now PETA wants some revisions of their own, with “it” when used in reference to an animal also replaced with “he or she.”"

These same loonies want to rename fish as "sea kittens":

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Each "deal" enriched a political crony. Each crony sent back a "thank$$$you".------Why We Need DOGE – 5 Crazy Examples Of How The Government Has Been Wasting Your Tax Dollars

The U.S. government has been wasting money in some of the most bizarre ways imaginable. - Michael Snyder 
Some of the examples that I am about to share with you are likely to make you feel sick. 
Wasting colossal piles of our tax dollars would be bad enough if we were running a balanced budget, but that is certainly not the case...
The following are 5 crazy examples of how the government has been wasting your tax dollars…
#1 Joe Biden and his minions spent 15 million dollars to distribute “oral contraceptives and condoms” in Afghanistan
#2 Even more money was about to be spent on condoms for the Palestinians. It is being reported that the Biden administration “almost sent $50 million worth of condoms to Gaza”
#3 The Biden administration spent $10,000 for an “ice skating drag show” that was focused on climate change…
#4 20 million of our tax dollars were spent on a Sesame Street spin-off in Iraq that was designed to promote “inclusion”
#5 This final example is the most sickening. 1.5 million dollars was spent to study how various species respond to motion sickness. In one of the experiments, holes were actually drilled into the skulls of young kittens. This is evil on a level that I don’t even know how to describe…

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

K-12: How Our Schools Make Monsters

K-12: How Our Schools Make Monsters:
"Lots of people who study K-12 education end up looking for a metaphor, a parallel, to explain the unnecessary stupidity of our public schools.  
Image result for High School Students Failing ClassesDon't bother.  
Ayn Rand has run ahead and done the job.
In 1970, Rand published a very long essay titled "The Comprachicos" (which roughly translates to the child-buyers).  
It lovingly examines a bit of history mentioned in a Victor Hugo novel.  
He wrote about vicious exploiters who mutilate and transform children into all sorts of freaks, dwarfs, gymnasts, and novelties.  
The techniques are analogous to those used by bonsai masters.  
You cut, twist, break, deprive – you do whatever works to make a glorious anomaly.
Finding this history, Rand must have shouted, "Eureka."  
She perceived that Progressive educators are the comprachicos of our time:
The production of monsters – helpless, twisted monsters whose normal development has been stunted – goes on all around us.  But the modern heirs of the comprachicos are smarter and subtler.  They do not hide, they practice their trade in the open, the results are invisible.  In the past this horrible surgery left traces on a child's face, not in his mind.  Today it leaves traces in his mind, not on his face.  In both cases the child is not aware of the mutilation he has suffered.  Today's comprachicos do not use narcotic powders.  They take a child before he is fully aware of reality and never let him develop that awareness.  Where nature put a normal brain, they put mental retardation.
...For example:
See the source image
The thought of all the living species that train their young in the art of survival, the cats who teach their kittens to hunt, the birds who spend such strident effort on teaching their fledglings to fly – yet man, whose tool of survival is the mind, does not merely fail to teach a child to think, but devotes the child's education to the purpose of destroying his brain, of convincing him that thought is futile and evil, before he has started to think[.] ... Men would shudder ... if they saw a mother bird plucking the feathers from the wings of her young, then pushing him out of the nest to struggle for survival – yet that was what they did to their children."
...Many people try to explain the failures of modern education by pointing to incompetence and good intentions gone awry.  
...She credits our Education Establishment with evil intent from start to finish..."

Saturday, July 21, 2018

"Democratic Institutions?" – 10 Lessons From History That Will Destroy Your Trust in the CIA | The Daily Sheeple

"Democratic Institutions?" – 10 Lessons From History That Will Destroy Your Trust in the CIA | The Daily Sheeple
"In the hysterical wake of the Trump-Putin Summit in Helsinki, President Donald Trump was roundly criticised in the media for taking the side of a “hostile state” over his own intelligence agencies
The Guardian referred to Mueller as a “heroic marine” who Trump disbelieved in favour of a “Russian dictator”.

In the past, when Trump has criticised the FBI, CIA or NSA he has been accused of “undermining faith in our institutions”
He’s been blamed for a collapse of trust in the government
But was this trust ever earned?
...Well here, fellow traitors, are the Top Ten reasons to question anything and everything the CIA – or any intelligence agency – has ever told you...
...4. NAYIRAH – A classic of “atrocity propaganda”, Nayirah should be required reading material for anybody looking top hop on a pro-war bandwagon. Nayirah – who originally gave only her first name – was a fifteen year old girl who testified in front of the United States Congress. She claimed to be a volunteer from at a Kuwaiti hospital, and to be an eye-witness to Iraqi soldiers throwing Kuwaiti babies out of incubators and leaving them to die:
I volunteered at the al-Addan hospital with twelve other women who wanted to help as well. I was the youngest volunteer. The other women were from twenty to thirty years old. While I was there I saw the Iraqi soldiers come into the hospital with guns. They took the babies out of the incubators, took the incubators and left the children to die on the cold floor. It was horrifying.
See the source imageIt was later revealed, not only that her full name was Nayirah al-Sabah and she was the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador, but that she had never volunteered at a hospital and had seen no babies, soldiers or incubators. The whole thing was a fiction. A fiction paid for by the “Citizens of Free Kuwait”, an NGO (and obvious CIA front) set up to lobby the US to intervene in the Iraq-Kuwait war.
By the time this fiction was revealed it was too late, and the US had launched Operation Desert Storm….which was, of course, the entire point of the exercise
Remember this, when you hear about Assad gassing children or bombing kittens.
...Never trust the CIA, they have proved they don’t deserve it.

Monday, March 09, 2015

80% of Firemen Are Fat and Out of Shape, Except When It Comes to Compensation

80% of Firemen Are Fat and Out of Shape, Except When It Comes to Compensation - Hit & Run :
You know the ideal of firemen as swoonsome, stoic hunks who keep us all safe from burning buildings, are gentle enough to rescue kittens from tall trees, and could easily step in to any of the male-stripper roles in Magic Mike 2.
Yeah, not so much. Via the Twitter feed of Omar Wasow comes this interestingNew York Times reality check on the morphology of firemen:
Four out of five firefighters nationwide are overweight or obese, and roughly half of all firefighters who die in the line of duty each year are killed by heart attacks.
It's worth pointing out that the often romanticized danger surrounding fire fighters is every bit as mythical as the idea that most of sport six-pack abs. 
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, neither fire fighters nor police officers are on the list of the deadliest professions in the U.S. 
That list is topped by loggers, commercial fishermen, aircraft pilots and flights engineers, roofers, and garbagemen. 
Nor are fire fighters in the top reaches of occupations with non-fatal injuries
More good news: The rate of injury among fire fighters is declining.

Yet it's the heightened sense of danger, risk, and sacrifice that is a major reason why public-sector fire fighters and police are able to extract relatively generous collective bargaining agreements with government negotiators and exemption from reforms of the same (recall that Gov. Scott Walker's showdown with Wisconsin public employees over benefits excluded police and fire fighters). 
In California, for instance, fire fighters can retire with full benefits at age 57 (recently increased by a few years, incidentally) and the average retirement pension for a 30 year vet is over $86,000.
One of the ways fire fighters negotiate better deals is by arguing that public safety workers have shortened lifespans—in effect, they are not simply sacrificing themselves on the job but by taking the job in the first place. 
Yet a 2010 study by CalPERS, which covers public-sector workers found that "the life expectancy of safety members is slightly higher than the life expectancy of miscellaneous members..."

Sunday, July 09, 2017

Government travel-care-----New York's subway has always been a chamber of horrors. But when did it get this bad? - LA Times

New York's subway has always been a chamber of horrors. But when did it get this bad? - LA Times
"Die Kitties Die!” screamed the headline in the New York Daily News when, in 2013, former Metropolitan Transportation Authority chief Joe Lhota criticized a decision to pause trains in a Brooklyn subway station to rescue a pair of kittens lost on the tracks.
Image result for new york subways emergencyThese days, New York so badly needs to get the trains to run on time that Lhota, whose unfortunate anti-cat comments caused a minor scandal, has been brought back as chairman of the transit agency.
Extreme measures are in order to fix the 112-year-old subway system, and nothing — not budget cuts, political infighting, or cats — can stand in the way.
Delays have doubled over the last five years, and accidents are on the rise.
A subway derailed last week, crashing into a wall and igniting a trash fire after hitting equipment left on a track near 125th Street in Harlem.
...On the heels of the derailment, Gov. Andrew Cuomo this week signed an executive order declaring a “state of emergency” on the subways, making official what many New Yorkers in their gut already know.
...“The subways are just too erratic,’’ said Hanes. “I moved to New Jersey and bought a car.’’
Read it all!